RUM… yumm! As I mentioned earlier, my fav has always been a Cuba Libré. DonQ Cristal is a very clear, smooth Rum used in most mixed drinks. A true Puerto Rican Rum distilled by the Serralles family. Yes, a genuine Cuba Libré is made with a dark Rum and a squirt of lime. My Puerto Rican Libré is made with clear Rum, Diet Coke and the little lemons that grow every where. I pick them green.. they look just like small Key limes, but tastes kind of like a hybrid lemon/lime. The bushy bright green trees have small thorns to look out for. The best part is, they are very juicy and don’t cost 50 cents each.
As mentioned earlier, there is one very popular beer here. The Medalla Light. I would compare it to a Miller Light or Coors Light. On a hot muggy day (aren’t they all?) it really hits the spot. I have yet to run across any locally produced micro-brewed beers… I’m still looking into that.
Buyer Beware: On a trip to the liquor department, I discovered a large variety of locally produced and bottled wines. I picked 3 at random to try. They were also considerably cheaper than any of the ‘imported wines’ and I use that term loosely… about $2.50 to $3.75 a fifth. I must qualify the fact that I’m not a wine connoisseur, but I do enjoy an occasional glass of Merlot or Pinot Noir with dinner. After tasting them, I can say, “you get what you pay for and you don’t get what you don’t pay for”. The Capriccios Lambrusco was sticky sweet like a Boones Farm fruity wine… it would be good made into a wine cooler or over ice, maybe. The Pontevecckio Seleccion Especial ‘Cab’ had a real cork, but no date on the bottle. It lacked clarity and contained sulfides. It would be fine for cooking, but I could not drink it. The Pontevecckio Seleccion Especial ‘Merlot’ was also not dated and lacked clarity but was palatable with a slight taste of fruit. All of these make me wonder where they got the grapes to make these wines. I have learned that IF I want a bottle of wine here, I should stick to brands I know. Live and learn.
The other, totally unrelated item that is truly unique to Puerto Rico is an alcoholic cocktail sold in a foil type pouch like fruit punch…
A Rum and Tequila combo made with pineapple juice and other flavors. It will grow on ya, but it IS potent. Its 22 proof at 6.75 ounces. Great frozen or over the rocks. A couple of those and you are toasted. Its an Urban thing, popular with the younger set…
The laws here regarding drinking and driving are much more relaxed than at home. A few municipalities have restrictions on drinking on the streets like Old San Juan. But many people will buy a beer at the local bar and then hit the road.
I’ll discuss Pitorro in another post…
valentina ayala says
Just to clarify, there are many types of gasolina, there is pink martini, mojito, sangria, cranberry vodka, and other flavors, but yes the tequila rum is the most potent. (S.Dog- YES! New ones have come out since I got here, but I prefer those that are predominantly Rum versus Vodka or Tequila. Sangria with Acai is a particular favorite ARRG!)
Fran and Steve says
Steve will really miss his two buck chuck. I’ll be good with my Boriquilibre (easier said in Spanish), which was the name I had given my diet cola, white rum, and “limón” drink! Medalla Light is our go-to beer on the island. Fran