As had been previously stated, I have a long standing interest with fireworks, both for fun and profit. This info is for my “PYRO” friends out there.
The good news is, they do sell ‘fireworks’ on the island. The bad news is, the only thing I saw much of were fountains, fountains and more kinds of fountains. The only exception were some large-ish skyrocket shaped fountains (at Walmart) and Morning Glory sparklers, but those don’t count.
Good thing I like fountains, huh?
Fireworks are legally sold 2 times a year (per Title 25, Subtitle 1, Part V, Chapter 53 of the Laws of Puerto Rico, 2007). June 1st through July 31st and November 15th through January 10th. I never saw any signs of ‘illegal’ sales. These are very liberal periods of sale for most places. This applies island wide, but local laws would take precedence. In Alaska, it depends on where you live.. they are banned outright in Anchorage and completely legal year round in Houston, AK (where they sell them, duh).
The only retail brand I saw was ‘TNT’. It was available in Walmart, Walgreens and Grande, the island wide grocery chain. Prices seemed somewhat high for the market and lightly charged, though they did put on a nice, but brief display. The only fireworks stand I visited was in Coamo (made from a 40 foot Connex box). It was ALL TNT branded product and at 2 for 1, it was still slightly more expensive than Walmart. They did sell a fountain in the form of an oversized Roman Candle they said you could hold in your hand. I have an old acquaintance who lost 2 fingers to a Roman Candle so I don’t hand hold anything with the exception of Morning Glories. I never made it to Kmart where they are supposed to sell the ‘Phantom’ brand.
The locals do like to celebrate with fireworks at organized events so there are commercial presentations going on all the time.
I could see the Coamo New Years Fireworks Show from the house. I stayed home New Years just to avoid the crazies, but I could hear guns being fired into the air and ‘devices’ I know to be louder than firecrackers. The noise started right after it got dark around 7PM and lasted until the wee hours of the New Year. I LOVE THIS PLACE!
An update will be added as more info becomes available… Arrg!
Luquillo Taxi says
Oh yeah the Luquillo Taxi needs fireworks for the 4th of July!!!! I knew I should have saved some from New Year’s!!! Google: “Luquillo Taxi” (S. Dog- OK… I like that.)
Don Blackmon says
Dear Roberto: So Great to see a blog like this in Puerto Rico! WOW! This place looks Great! I would very much like to come to Puerto Rico and have a look! and look at some Real Estate as well! I have a friend here that is from Puerto Rico. I Plan on visiting as soon as I can! Great Blog keep it up! Don
Roberto says
The weather is great here (mid 70’s to mid 80’s F). Yes, it IS nice to be able to fire off stuff off without freezing your “you know what’. Arrg!
Robert says
How is the weather? Nice to be able to shoot New Year fireworks when it is not 25 below.